How to get the day value as a number from a date field

By: Jennifer Mindles | Asked: 11/09/2022
ForumsCategory: How-toHow to get the day value as a number from a date field
Jennifer Mindles asked 2 years ago

How do I get the day portion of a date entered on a form to use in calculations on the same form? I need to know if the date entered is after the 20th so I can calculate a late fee.

1 Answers
Bobby Clapp Staff answered 2 years ago

Maybe try [x format="d"] (x is the field id or key)


Jennifer Mindles replied 2 years ago

It gives an error when I display the form on the page: Unexpected identifier 'format'

Bobby Clapp Staff replied 2 years ago

Is the field a date field or is it something else?

Jennifer Mindles replied 2 years ago

I tried with both a numeric and a text field. I put [1583 format="d"] in the Default Value and nothing happened. (1583 is ID of date field I need the day from) I put that in the Default Value Calcuation and get that error.

Bobby Clapp Staff replied 2 years ago

You might have to put that into a field of it's own as the default value. Then reference that field with a math calc condition.

Something like:
([1590] > 500) ? ([1590] * .02) : (10)

Where Condition ? True : False

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