ho un modulo in cui ho creato due menu a tendina di scelta - porodtti e commerciali
Pur avendo copiato la sezione commerciali dalla sezione prodotti , e pur essendo apparentemente impostate in maniera analoga in backoffice, il risultato in front end è diverso.
Allego il file pdf col confronto che non corrisponde a cosa dovrei vedere come da "anteprima nel tema"
cosa sbaglio?
I suggest using the developer tools (F12) to inspect your page. There is something either in your form or in your page that's restricting the output to half of the screen instead of the full width.
what do you mean by f12?
what do you mean by f12?
He is referring to the keyboard button F12. It opens the developer tools set in your browser.
Thansk for your reply! I have noticed thet if I am logged in to the website, i see it properly. If I access the page without being logged in I have the problem in the frontend. Any idea how I could solve it? I am thinking of recreating the second section and see if it ahappens again...
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