I have a page where I just want to display a person's name and phone number.
eg Hi Bob. Your phone is 123-4567. This is entry 37
Q1: what short code would I need to put in the page to achieve this?
Q2: could I filter to this entry in the URL? If so, how?
First, do you have a Plus license or higher? This is required to create views.
Thanks Victor. I’ll have a go at it. Seems straightforward
Right, I actually had that already but how do I specify which entry? This just shows 1 entry but not a specific one
The value you pass in the query string can be the record's entry_id or another value that's unique to the entry. It could be the phone number, if you want. The query string is formatted as /yourdomain/your view page/?entry=37.
In the View filter you set entry id is equal to [get param = entry].
That's all there is to it.
How are you sending the URL to the user to click on?
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