I am trying to employ the Star Ratings field for existing Users. Meaning, several users may be invited to rate the "performance" of a specific user. I could not find a way to do this from the documentation nor within this Forum from before.
FF allows rating of Posts - would there be an indirect way to do the same for existing users? If yes, can anyone guide this newbie please?
Thanks in advance.
Not sure I understand. You can create a star rating field and use it to rate whatever you want.
Thank you for your response.
As far as I can tell, the Star Rating field is to be applied to a Form or a Post.
I am exploring the possibility of using this to rate a registered user (having a specific role). Let me elaborate with an example:
1. Site has few "authors", who publish articles.
2. Currently, the ratings are possible for said articles. Every singular article can have n count of ratings, yielding an average rating eventually.
3. But, is there a way to rate the author? The possibility would then give a use case of averaging "all" articles' ratings, assigned to the author. In other words, the author's popularity or credibility can be a metric that can be generated.
Grateful if you can point me in the direction of using FF to achieve the above use case (point 3 above). I am a newbie WP developer and am lost for ideas and could not find anything in the documentation nor these Forums.
If you are using FF user registration addon you could add a star ratings field to the registration form, and then use these directions to create a view that displays the form, but only include the star rating field to be clicked on in the form.
Thank you sir for this suggestion, let me try them and shall revert with my experience. :-)
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