Two users filling out one form

By: Sara psachos | Asked: 02/02/2023
ForumsCategory: How-toTwo users filling out one form
Sara psachos asked 2 years ago

I need a user to fill out our form half way and then submit to another person who will finish filling out the form. Is this possible? If yes, how does the second user access the form?

2 Answers
Walter JonesWalter Jones answered 2 years ago

What is your work flow like?  Is it people with different wordpress access levels?  Is it a 1 to 1 or 1 to many relationship?

Sara psachos replied 2 years ago

I am new to Formidable Forms. No one filling out the form has wordpress access. Maybe this is what I need?

User #1 is a real estate agent partially filling out a form regarding their listing. On submission of the partially completed form an email would be triggered to user #2 who, for a fee, completes the form on the agent's behalf.

Walter JonesWalter Jones replied 2 years ago

Is user 2 always gonna be the same person?

Sara psachos replied 2 years ago


Rob LeVineRob LeVine Staff answered 2 years ago

How about this?

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