Views: Display field entry X,but only if checkbox in field Y is checked

By: Hordur Sigurdarson | Asked: 06/11/2023
ForumsCategory: How-toViews: Display field entry X,but only if checkbox in field Y is checked
Hordur Sigurdarson asked 2 years ago

I have a view where I would like to display contents of field Y, but only if field X is checkmarked. I have not found a solution in the documentation or this board. Anyone have a solution? 

1 Answers
Walter JonesWalter Jones answered 2 years ago

Have you tried using conditional statements?

Hordur Sigurdarson replied 2 years ago

Walter, yes I have but I can't find the solution for this particular question, i.e. if checkbox X is checked then display contents of field Y.
I have used conditkonal statements in many different contexts but this one got me stumped. Maybe I'm missing something glaringly obvious.

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