Quiz Answers display

By: Josh Ovett | Asked: 02/17/2023
ForumsCategory: Paid Help WantedQuiz Answers display
Josh Ovett asked 2 years ago
Need a variation of the short code "[default-message format="quiz_correct_answers"]" by default it show the correct answer with Green check mark and those that are wrong answers with red X,   however it also show the correct answer to the wrong chosen answer.   I am looking for it to show the  show the correct answer with Green check mark and those that are wrong answers with red X , but NOT the correct answer to the wrong answer.  LMK
2 Answers
Walter JonesWalter Jones answered 2 years ago
Can you explain this a little better?  You don’t want the right answer to display if they got it wrong?
Josh Ovett answered 2 years ago

Walter thanks for the speedy response.  We are using a quiz to pass a certification.  I want to display the answers the quiz taker got correct and the answers they got wrong.  But NOT the correct answers to the ones they got wrong.  Our use case they can go back to the study materials, then request to retake the quiz.   Let me your thoughts, maybe a code  snippet to override the "correct answer" title and data display?  J  I have attached screenshot and the "correct answer" areas for example in red squares I do not want to show. Will need this in addition to the out of the box.  

Walter JonesWalter Jones replied 2 years ago

Are you sending an email or just display the results after the quiz is taken?

Josh Ovett replied 2 years ago

Sending email and displaying.

Josh Ovett replied 2 years ago

<p>Walter what is the best way to connect with you and discuss this and engage your services if you think its doable?</p>

Walter JonesWalter Jones replied 2 years ago

Shoot me an email [email protected]

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