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AnsweredRob LeVineRob LeVine answered 11 months ago • 
153 views1 answers0 votes
How to get results using Javascript?
AnsweredRob LeVineRob LeVine commented 11 months ago • 
252 views1 answers0 votes
Mobile number input mask
AnsweredVictor Font answered 11 months ago • 
355 views1 answers0 votes
Square Payments?
AnsweredVictor Font answered 11 months ago • 
144 views1 answers0 votes
Image upload folder: one for each month and year just like wordpress
AnsweredRob LeVineRob LeVine commented 11 months ago • 
269 views2 answers0 votes
Field id without "field_" before the key
AnsweredVictor Font answered 11 months ago • 
214 views1 answers0 votes
Edit Links not displaying for some entries
AnsweredRob LeVineRob LeVine commented 11 months ago • 
228 views1 answers0 votes
Lightbox image should send to a request a quote form
AnsweredAnique Venema - de Jong commented 11 months ago • 
208 views1 answers0 votes
Conditional logic for signature
Answeredshaun haage commented 11 months ago • 
260 views1 answers0 votes
Send Email Action - Include a View from Another Form
OpenRob LeVineRob LeVine commented 11 months ago • 
254 views0 answers0 votes
shortcode like editlink to display a record
AnsweredRob LeVineRob LeVine answered 11 months ago • 
272 views1 answers0 votes
Checkbox field-type - Select All option?
AnsweredRob LeVineRob LeVine commented 11 months ago • 
332 views1 answers0 votes
How to create a new entry form another website!
AnsweredVictor Font answered 1 year ago • 
376 views1 answers0 votes
Display entry views with layout view using multiple columns
AnsweredVictor Font answered 11 months ago • 
153 views1 answers0 votes
Populate fields when loopup field have a selection
OpenDev ITDev IT asked 11 months ago • 
305 views0 answers0 votes
Repeater field calculation issue
AnsweredHarry Carter commented 11 months ago • 
417 views2 answers0 votes
Form text turns white in WordPress
ClosedVictor Font commented 11 months ago • 
315 views0 answers0 votes
File upload field doesn't allow MP4 with high bit rate
OpenDean LohDean Loh asked 11 months ago • 
187 views0 answers0 votes
Limit form submission to specific email domains
AnsweredVictor Font answered 11 months ago • 
203 views1 answers0 votes
Formidable text turning white
AnsweredRob LeVineRob LeVine answered 11 months ago • 
154 views1 answers0 votes
Get information from previously submitted form
AnsweredRob LeVineRob LeVine answered 11 months ago • 
250 views1 answers0 votes
How to display data from sql into a formidable form dropdown field
AnsweredVictor Font answered 11 months ago • 
206 views1 answers0 votes
Form Imports
AnsweredBRUCE DAFEAMEKPORBRUCE DAFEAMEKPOR commented 11 months ago • 
329 views1 answers0 votes

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