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Community Forums

Parse and retrieve custom entries
AnsweredRob LeVineRob LeVine answered 11 months ago • 
197 views1 answers0 votes
Calculate the time difference in minutes
OpenAdam Fominaya commented 11 months ago • 
215 views0 answers0 votes
Currency: wrong decimals on summary page
AnsweredThomas Kutscher answered 11 months ago • 
232 views1 answers0 votes
Quiz randomization: possible to exclude fields?
AnsweredFelipe Drago commented 11 months ago • 
312 views1 answers0 votes
Validate coupons (saved from another formidable form)
OpenMummy NinjaMummy Ninja asked 11 months ago • 
302 views0 answers1 votes
Filtering Lookup Not Working
ResolvedChris Titus commented 11 months ago • 
445 views0 answers0 votes
No Charge option
OpenJeff Mitchell asked 11 months ago • 
228 views0 answers0 votes
Creating a table that counts how many entries from each University
OpenNicole Deere asked 11 months ago • 
247 views0 answers0 votes
Adding custom smart tag
OpenGianluca MarzaroGianluca Marzaro asked 11 months ago • 
412 views0 answers0 votes
Add border to frm_color_block setting
OpenAnita Taylor asked 11 months ago • 
446 views0 answers0 votes
Custom padding for columns / grid
OpenAnita Taylor asked 11 months ago • 
398 views0 answers0 votes api
OpenJeffrey Constantine asked 11 months ago • 
318 views0 answers0 votes
Form modal & connected login modal
OpenMichael Berry asked 11 months ago • 
185 views0 answers0 votes
Debate application
AnsweredVictor Font commented 11 months ago • 
236 views1 answers0 votes
Approval link in email notification?
AnsweredRob LeVineRob LeVine commented 11 months ago • 
403 views1 answers0 votes
Nesting Condition frm-condition in Views doesn't seem to work
AnsweredChris Titus commented 11 months ago • 
413 views1 answers0 votes
Edit Field Shortcode with increment number
OpenClaudio Liverano asked 11 months ago • 
289 views0 answers0 votes
Adding a list of zip codes within my service area to contact form
OpenRyan Nickals asked 11 months ago • 
179 views0 answers0 votes
How to Compare Lookup Fields with conditions
OpenSina Pars asked 11 months ago • 
367 views0 answers0 votes
How to conditionally filter entries from another form?
AnsweredChris Titus commented 11 months ago • 
358 views1 answers0 votes
how to validate a field against a database table
OpenPhil DavisPhil Davis commented 11 months ago • 
307 views0 answers0 votes
Show the Form entries on the front end
AnsweredAdam Fominaya commented 11 months ago • 
321 views2 answers0 votes
CSV Export with Nested View Data
ResolvedVince DimannoVince Dimanno answered 11 months ago • 
397 views3 answers0 votes

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