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Community Forums

Sections with conditional formatting
AnsweredVictor Font answered 1 year ago • 
183 views1 answers0 votes
FIle Upload - Store uploaded files in Google Drive folder?
AnsweredMichael MehlhornMichael Mehlhorn commented 1 year ago • 
258 views1 answers0 votes
ACF Add-on with plugin that includes ACF
AnsweredShawn Pery answered 1 year ago • 
341 views2 answers0 votes
Challenge With Email On Update
AnsweredMichael ClarkMichael Clark commented 1 year ago • 
355 views1 answers0 votes
Get & Use WooCommerce variable Pricing in Form
OpenNic Windley asked 1 year ago • 
221 views0 answers0 votes
CODE to Get & Use WooCommerce variable Pricing in Form
OpenNic Windley asked 1 year ago • 
314 views0 answers0 votes
Answer of a question include into another question
AnsweredManuel Diwosch commented 1 year ago • 
309 views1 answers0 votes
Multipart form breakpoint skipping
Answeredshaun haage commented 1 year ago • 
310 views1 answers0 votes
Display statistic as a percentage.
AnsweredVictor Font answered 1 year ago • 
247 views1 answers0 votes
Submit blocking by comparing filed dates in form
AnsweredVictor Font commented 1 year ago • 
298 views1 answers0 votes
Fill out form and submit by API / PHP
AnsweredMichael M commented 1 year ago • 
350 views1 answers0 votes
Load lift guide
AnsweredVictor Font commented 1 year ago • 
334 views2 answers0 votes
Check a list of emails for values not in database
AnsweredJane OnoratiJane Onorati answered 1 year ago • 
464 views3 answers0 votes
nested [if][else[ statement not working as expected
AnsweredVictor Font answered 1 year ago • 
269 views1 answers0 votes
How to view expired / expiring posts
AnsweredWalter JonesWalter Jones answered 1 year ago • 
292 views1 answers0 votes
Duplicating form entries that contain Repeater fields
AnsweredMichael ClarkMichael C commented 1 year ago • 
387 views1 answers0 votes
PDF supported fonts
AnsweredVassilis Mantas commented 1 year ago • 
462 views5 answers0 votes
Screenshots into entry
AnsweredWalter JonesWalter Jones answered 1 year ago • 
174 views1 answers0 votes
How to get latest field value
OpenVictor Font commented 1 year ago • 
172 views0 answers0 votes
Image upload time stamp
AnsweredVictor Font commented 1 year ago • 
187 views1 answers0 votes
Clarification on receiving forms via email
AnsweredCamilo Fontecilla answered 1 year ago • 
194 views3 answers0 votes
add a checkbox to the frm-login form
OpenHolger F asked 1 year ago • 
271 views0 answers0 votes
Pulling Business Data from FluentCRM
AnsweredVictor Font answered 1 year ago • 
208 views1 answers0 votes

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