Question Category: General questions

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ForumsCategory: General questions
Form modal & connected login modal
OpenMichael Berry asked 11 months ago • 
185 views0 answers0 votes
Debate application
AnsweredVictor Font commented 11 months ago • 
236 views1 answers0 votes
Link to entry in form builder?
AnsweredVictor Font commented 11 months ago • 
299 views1 answers0 votes
add new currency to formidable Settings
AnsweredVictor Font answered 11 months ago • 
252 views2 answers0 votes
If Statement in Send Email
AnsweredRob LeVineRob LeVine commented 11 months ago • 
233 views1 answers0 votes
Stripe Payment Subscription/Recurring
OpenRoland Jungwirth asked 11 months ago • 
205 views0 answers0 votes
Change visibility on form section
OpenRob LeVineRob LeVine commented 12 months ago • 
260 views0 answers0 votes
Is there a way to export User Information?
OpenMarius Pascu commented 12 months ago • 
254 views0 answers0 votes
Bulk Updating Entries
ResolvedVictor Font commented 12 months ago • 
544 views0 answers0 votes
Import failure
AnsweredVictor Font answered 12 months ago • 
294 views1 answers0 votes
Currency Field
AnsweredVictor Font answered 12 months ago • 
256 views2 answers0 votes
Display Row Number for each row in a repeater field
ResolvedDominic PottsDominic Potts commented 12 months ago • 
320 views1 answers0 votes
Default Values on Conditional logic
OpenRob LeVineRob LeVine commented 12 months ago • 
264 views0 answers0 votes
E2PDF and Google Drive
Openshaun haage asked 12 months ago • 
209 views0 answers0 votes
Webcam snapshot?
AnsweredBrent ShermanBrent Sherman answered 12 months ago • 
561 views8 answers0 votes
Populate Dropdown Options based on URL Parameter
OpenMark HansenMark Hansen commented 12 months ago • 
319 views0 answers0 votes
Translate text "select an option" on choice field
OpenDev ITDev IT asked 12 months ago • 
218 views0 answers0 votes
Use Forms to send Entrys to existing mysql tables in another db
AnsweredVictor Font commented 12 months ago • 
731 views2 answers0 votes
No attachments added to email notifications
AnsweredNina young answered 12 months ago • 
229 views1 answers0 votes
create connexion between two forms
AnsweredDev ITDev IT commented 12 months ago • 
313 views1 answers0 votes
Problem with rootline
ResolvedDev ITDev IT commented 12 months ago • 
451 views1 answers0 votes
Mobile Usability Issues with Forms on Google Console
OpenOliver Heyward asked 12 months ago • 
293 views0 answers0 votes

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