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Community Forums

Where can I make feature request?
AnsweredRob LeVineRob LeVine answered 1 year ago • 
338 views1 answers0 votes
How can I prevent user information from being stored?
AnsweredJohn Lenehan commented 1 year ago • 
409 views2 answers0 votes
passing fields into AI guide prompt
OpenWalter JonesWalter Jones commented 1 year ago • 
333 views0 answers0 votes
Sort Summary
AnsweredBobby Clapp answered 1 year ago • 
248 views1 answers0 votes
How to do it
AnsweredBobby Clapp answered 1 year ago • 
295 views1 answers0 votes
How to add text between fields?
OpenBobby Clapp commented 1 year ago • 
479 views0 answers0 votes
Avatar placement in views
OpenBobby Clapp commented 1 year ago • 
175 views0 answers0 votes
Autofill Address
OpenBobby Clapp commented 1 year ago • 
253 views0 answers0 votes
Duplicate form via URL
AnsweredBobby Clapp commented 1 year ago • 
246 views1 answers0 votes
Open Detail View in New Screen
AnsweredBobby Clapp commented 1 year ago • 
483 views1 answers0 votes
Registration Form Redirect
AnsweredBobby Clapp answered 1 year ago • 
366 views1 answers0 votes
Setting a Default Date in the Future
AnsweredVince DimannoVince Dimanno commented 1 year ago • 
406 views1 answers0 votes
Polylang Language Switch
OpenMohamed Si asked 1 year ago • 
330 views0 answers0 votes
File upload timeout issue
AnsweredFrank Galvin commented 1 year ago • 
463 views1 answers0 votes
Star Rating, but for Users?
Answeredvy name answered 1 year ago • 
467 views3 answers0 votes
File Upload not working
OpenFrank Galvin commented 1 year ago • 
3745 views2 answers0 votes
Email From Field Overridden by WP Mail SMTP plugin
OpenRob LeVineRob LeVine commented 1 year ago • 
422 views0 answers0 votes
Stripe recurring or one off payment
OpenIan Buck commented 1 year ago • 
378 views0 answers0 votes
Checkboxes appearance
AnsweredVictor Font commented 1 year ago • 
275 views2 answers0 votes
View to MS Word
AnsweredALBERT OPOKUALBERT OPOKU commented 1 year ago • 
235 views1 answers0 votes
Checkbox (lookup) to Lookup (dropdown)
AnsweredVictor Font answered 1 year ago • 
260 views1 answers0 votes
Missing data in Google Sheets
OpenGerry Bolger commented 1 year ago • 
275 views1 answers0 votes
Export CSV of view details page with respect to id
OpenRob LeVineRob LeVine commented 1 year ago • 
276 views0 answers0 votes
Paypal IPN problem in multi domains
ClosedJiyoung Joung asked 1 year ago • 
427 views0 answers0 votes

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