Question Category: General questions

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Community Forums

ForumsCategory: General questions
Average of entered values
OpenJohn Bosley asked 2 years ago • 
346 views0 answers0 votes
Using entry data in php shortcode
AnsweredTheo Lee answered 2 years ago • 
502 views3 answers0 votes
Community Feature Request
AnsweredSteve WellsSteve Wells answered 2 years ago • 
448 views1 answers0 votes
Complex Conditionals
AnsweredRussell Guilfoile answered 2 years ago • 
549 views2 answers0 votes and /or for site login
AnsweredVictor Font answered 2 years ago • 
242 views1 answers0 votes
How allow editing in signature option
AnsweredAbby Hilman answered 2 years ago • 
292 views2 answers0 votes
Payment Gateways
AnsweredVictor Font answered 2 years ago • 
736 views3 answers0 votes
Wix integration with Formidable Forms
OpenBobby Clapp commented 2 years ago • 
1262 views1 answers0 votes
Cannot Update Form Styling
OpenRhys Campbell asked 2 years ago • 
332 views0 answers0 votes
"Detail page" on View, isn't responsive
AnsweredDoce Más Una commented 2 years ago • 
579 views4 answers0 votes
Display results from form submission on the same page
AnsweredBobby Clapp answered 2 years ago • 
609 views1 answers0 votes
Modal Color Class
OpenAsheley Bailey asked 2 years ago • 
411 views0 answers0 votes
Cannot edit settings
AnsweredBobby Clapp answered 2 years ago • 
262 views1 answers0 votes
Calculated Value based on Conditional
AnsweredBobby Clapp answered 2 years ago • 
320 views1 answers0 votes
Dynamic Options in Dropdown
AnsweredBobby Clapp answered 2 years ago • 
331 views1 answers0 votes
Protected files not accessible to everyone
AnsweredVicky Tosh-Morelli answered 2 years ago • 
1155 views2 answers0 votes
Use @media rule to force Single Column when Viewport < Desktop
AnsweredVictor Font answered 2 years ago • 
447 views1 answers0 votes
Formidable Roadmap?
AnsweredMichael Thomas answered 2 years ago • 
641 views3 answers0 votes
Facebook URL Field show button
AnsweredVictor Font answered 2 years ago • 
276 views2 answers0 votes
Woocommerce products in a multipage form
AnsweredWarren K answered 2 years ago • 
521 views2 answers0 votes
How to Go About Optimizing CSS and JS for Core Web Vitals
AnsweredBobby Clapp answered 2 years ago • 
444 views2 answers0 votes

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