Question Category: How-to

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ForumsCategory: How-to
Multiple modals in a View listing entries cause malfunction. How to fix it?
AnsweredWalter JonesWalter Jones answered 9 months ago • 
419 views4 answers1 votes
Default values resetting when updating a current entry?
AnsweredChris Titus answered 1 year ago • 
336 views4 answers0 votes
On which page is my form used
OpenAnonymous commented 55 years ago • 
191 views0 answers0 votes
Auto Delete Form entries
AnsweredUttam N answered 9 months ago • 
241 views2 answers0 votes
Form tabs
OpenRob LeVineRob LeVine commented 9 months ago • 
185 views0 answers0 votes
Force Ajax Submission
AnsweredRob LeVineRob LeVine answered 9 months ago • 
152 views1 answers0 votes
how I can get values dependant on dropdown selection
OpenJonathan Sternberg asked 9 months ago • 
216 views0 answers0 votes
change user role by accepting or reject user submission
AnsweredRob LeVineRob LeVine commented 9 months ago • 
244 views1 answers0 votes
Changing values based on another field
AnsweredRob LeVineRob LeVine answered 9 months ago • 
230 views1 answers0 votes
Question Info
AnsweredFabio Susana commented 9 months ago • 
244 views1 answers0 votes
Date range with no gap
AnsweredFabio Susana commented 9 months ago • 
199 views1 answers0 votes
"Calculate" an URL for creating of a users subsite at registration
AnsweredRob LeVineRob LeVine commented 9 months ago • 
268 views2 answers0 votes
Is there a way to have detail page linked to a separate page?
AnsweredGustavo Delao commented 10 months ago • 
702 views2 answers0 votes
Grab only updated fields in a form when its entry updated
AnsweredRob LeVineRob LeVine answered 10 months ago • 
196 views1 answers0 votes
Add front-end filter by checkbox values
ResolvedEoghan O'Sullivan commented 10 months ago • 
307 views1 answers0 votes
user-meta filter
AnsweredVictor Font commented 10 months ago • 
172 views2 answers0 votes
Adding a form via shortcode in my theme breaking page layout
AnsweredVictor Font commented 10 months ago • 
235 views1 answers0 votes
Display a view with entries on a specific date using code
AnsweredNaomi SpiritNaomi Spirit answered 10 months ago • 
355 views2 answers0 votes
Using Formidable for Event Registration & Unique Ticket Printing
AnsweredPhil DavisPhil Davis commented 10 months ago • 
369 views1 answers0 votes
Mapping a dynamic field to ACF custom field
AnsweredVictor Font commented 10 months ago • 
253 views1 answers0 votes
Display a view with entries on a specific date using code
AnsweredRob LeVineRob LeVine answered 10 months ago • 
332 views1 answers0 votes
Editing a view
AnsweredVictor Font answered 10 months ago • 
268 views1 answers0 votes
Separate views for agents and subscribers
OpenFraser Gilmartin asked 10 months ago • 
231 views0 answers0 votes
Auto generated counter displayed on a page from submissions?
AnsweredRandy Murray commented 10 months ago • 
202 views1 answers0 votes

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