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Community Forums

Error Logs (status codes)
ResolvedKiley Werezak commented 2 years ago • 
670 views1 answers0 votes
Custom API call
AnsweredVictor Font commented 2 years ago • 
297 views1 answers0 votes
How to display post title in email notification
OpenAnastasiya Goers asked 2 years ago • 
208 views0 answers0 votes
Can I hide duplicate in a view?
Answeredana Tvrdeic answered 2 years ago • 
201 views1 answers0 votes
Copy link in views
AnsweredBrian Neufeld commented 2 years ago • 
392 views1 answers0 votes
Change the width of table columns
ResolvedAsking for A Friend commented 2 years ago • 
822 views1 answers0 votes
How can user A see view of User B?
AnsweredBobby Clapp commented 2 years ago • 
318 views2 answers0 votes
Lookup fields / Dynamic fields Autocomplete on mobile devices
AnsweredVictor Font commented 2 years ago • 
947 views2 answers0 votes
Autocomplete - Dropdown Fields Mobile
OpenMichael Lang asked 2 years ago • 
271 views0 answers0 votes
Lost password to Formidible accounts
AnsweredBobby Clapp answered 2 years ago • 
176 views1 answers0 votes
How do you put a newline or CR in a text calculation?
AnsweredVictor Font answered 2 years ago • 
357 views3 answers0 votes
Frontend Editing of Another's Entry
AnsweredWalter JonesWalter Jones answered 2 years ago • 
448 views2 answers0 votes
Filtering in Views - not visual view
ClosedBob Webb asked 2 years ago • 
411 views0 answers0 votes
Change Post time when editing a post created with Create Post
AnsweredPhil Rips commented 2 years ago • 
516 views3 answers0 votes
Horse Registration Website
AnsweredBobby Clapp answered 2 years ago • 
376 views1 answers0 votes
How can I display search criteria with search results
AnsweredVictor Font commented 2 years ago • 
210 views1 answers0 votes
Reset Password - 'Lost Password' Page
OpenMichael Tidbury asked 2 years ago • 
362 views0 answers0 votes
save rank of question
OpenFlury von Arx Regina commented 2 years ago • 
372 views0 answers0 votes
Form doesn't load again automatically after user submission
Answeredleopoldo Marrara commented 2 years ago • 
193 views1 answers0 votes
Edit view page not displaying correctly
AnsweredVictor Font commented 2 years ago • 
1842 views3 answers1 votes
entry on Formidable form not visible
ResolvedDiane LublinskiDiane Lublinski commented 2 years ago • 
354 views0 answers0 votes
Highlight Active Field
OpenDavid McCalebDavid McCaleb commented 2 years ago • 
443 views0 answers0 votes

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