Question Category: How-to

Not sure how to achieve something? Ask your general 'How-To' questions here and remember to include as much info as you can.

Community Forums

ForumsCategory: How-to
Cursor field and number field in same field
AnsweredVictor Font answered 1 year ago • 
260 views1 answers0 votes
Filter a View (inside a Form) by another value in the form
AnsweredVictor Font answered 1 year ago • 
333 views1 answers0 votes
Form Views
AnsweredWalter JonesWalter Jones answered 1 year ago • 
299 views1 answers0 votes
Building Custom Widget
AnsweredVictor Font answered 1 year ago • 
321 views1 answers0 votes
Sort output of 6 different fields from high to low
AnsweredVictor Font answered 1 year ago • 
254 views1 answers1 votes
pdf with nested views
Openlauren scott asked 1 year ago • 
407 views0 answers0 votes
Relating entries between two different forms?
OpenJeff C asked 1 year ago • 
351 views0 answers0 votes
Mulitiple clients using one form
AnsweredWalter JonesWalter Jones answered 1 year ago • 
237 views1 answers0 votes
How can I place the toggle inline with field label?
AnsweredAsher Jacobsberg answered 1 year ago • 
502 views3 answers0 votes
Net work days calculation
AnsweredWalter JonesWalter Jones answered 1 year ago • 
255 views1 answers0 votes
Separate Entries for Each Repeater Field Entry
AnsweredVictor Font answered 1 year ago • 
358 views1 answers0 votes
Total is Invalid Error
OpenC Fein asked 1 year ago • 
330 views0 answers0 votes
Hide the back button on a multi-page form
OpenAlavi QuraishiAlavi Quraishi asked 1 year ago • 
263 views0 answers0 votes
Attaching certificates to client profiles
AnsweredMichael ClarkMichael Clark answered 1 year ago • 
330 views2 answers0 votes
Reorder uploaded photos
AnsweredElizabeth Maher answered 1 year ago • 
171 views1 answers0 votes
Sync Formidable entries with WooCommerce tables
AnsweredVictor Font answered 1 year ago • 
338 views1 answers0 votes
Filter View Based on Form Input
AnsweredJulius hernándezJulius hernández answered 1 year ago • 
328 views1 answers0 votes
Design custom post created by Formidable Forms
AnsweredVictor Font answered 2 years ago • 
727 views1 answers0 votes
Prevent Enter key from submitting a form unless user is on Submit button
AnsweredVictor Font answered 1 year ago • 
352 views1 answers0 votes
Changing currency in form based on user selection
AnsweredVictor Font answered 1 year ago • 
292 views1 answers0 votes

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